Our Story
Kali and Spirit are two very active, fun and loving children. They play golf, ride horses, dance, sing, play the piano, drums, and football. Since the age of three, they have both been training in Jujitsu and boxing.
Starting them out early owning their own business did not seem to be a big deal to their parents Gary and Callie Rahman who are business owners themselves. When their daughter Spirit approached them at age six with wishes to be a guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show, her dad challenged both her and Kali to come up with an idea noteworthy of such a request. After several conversations and researching many different ventures Swing Trading was where they settled.
Their dad started them out paper trading (that’s when you trade without using real money). After doing that for a year, mom and dad purchased a system that one of their mentors developed. This system increased their knowledge of how to trade overnight.
Learning more about the fundamentals and breakout channels of trading, Kali and Spirit have been investing real money and outperforming the S&P 500 by 31 points. They continue expanding their knowledge by learning charting and options. This knowledge has placed Kali and Spirit (aka The Stock up Kids) in the top percentage of traders in the world.
In a recent interview with mentor and #1 Hedge Fund and Mutual Fund Manager, Courtney Smith, Kali said: “It’s kind of cool knowing you do something really well that some adults don’t know how to do.” Their dad says “Kali and Spirit may seem amazing to most that hear about them trading stocks at such a young age but they are no more amazing then your child. As they tour the country speaking to children and adults teaching them the basics of trading, know that you’re also a Stock up Kid.” Spirit has shared with many audiences one of their main messages: “There are no glass ceilings to trading.”
Look out for these two bombshells and follow them on their YouTube channel, Stock up Kids, where they showcase their personalities, drop business knowledge and information we can all grow from. Learn from the Stock up Kids as they invite you to “Come Follow Us” on their website www.StockUpKids.com, and you’ll pick up tips on how to trade by following them in their trading, buy cool merchandise and also stay on top of where they will be speaking next.
The Stock Up Kids recently spoke at The Dreaming Out Loud event held on the campus of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia to an audience of over 600 teens. They spoke along with Award – winning Hip hop Artist and actor T.I., Recording Artist LECRAE, Singer Songwriter Cree Davis, and others to encourage future leaders in S.T.E.A.M.

Hi my name is Spirit and yes I am 11 and have been trading since I was 7 and my brother Kali was 9. You also may know that I want to be on the Ellen Show. Regardless of what my brother wants you to believe he does too.
I do a lot of things but only enjoy a few of them. I love to sing, dance, make money and art. The rest of the things listed that I do is because of my parents. They make all my decisions for me. I will one day be a lawyer and I’ve been saying this for some years now. It has been said that I know what I want and I go out and do it. At the age of five, I gave up meat because I didn’t want to eat it anymore. Well today I still don’t eat meat.
Unlike my brother, I enjoyed the trading from the start. I didn’t enjoy his jokes when my dad was trying to teach us. Since he has matured a little things are better and now we can focus on this paper. I like going to all the different places and staying in 4 and 5 -star hotels. I can’t help that I like the finer things like Snow crabs, Starbucks, Apple products and my favorite store Justice. Just know I do not spend my money on doodads thanks to my mom and dad!
Now more about Stock Up Kids; Yes we are trading real money. We are outperforming the S&P 500 by an impressive 31 points also known as the Standard and Poors. Yes, we are among some of the top traders in the world thanks to great mentorship from three of the best traders ever. Yes, I said ever. Like Mr. Courtney Smith who managed both the #1 hedge fund and mutual fund all while having one of the top financial newsletters.
Our mentor Ms. Angel Rich, aka the next Steve Jobs, reminds me of my future self with the one exception, she is not a lawyer. You already know our dad put us on. So with mentors like these, the only place for us to go is up. My brother and I don’t agree on a lot but we both like making money and helping others. We like helping others so much, we are donating a portion of our website proceeds to four nonprofit organizations:
Common Ground Foundation.
Hip Hop Detoxx
Project Pneuma
Yes Drop-in Center (http://www.yesdropincenter.org). My brother and I would like to encourage you to not only to follow our trades but follow our lead on supporting these noteworthy organizations.
Why? Because that’s what Stock Up Kids do. Come Follow Us!

Hi my name is Kali. I am 12 and I enjoy lots of things but nothing more than football and animals. Someday I would like to play professional football and be a Zoologist. I have been blessed to have two great parents. In my family you learn that the lessons will show up someday in the future. So not to be scolded I adopted a positive attitude (hint hint). It was challenging in the beginning because I consider myself a bit of a jokester. Sometimes my parents are annoying but I really don’t know what I would do without them.
Now let me tell you how all this Stock Up Kids stuff began. One day my “little” sister told our dad that she wanted to be on the Ellen show and since then my life has not been the same. “Thanks, sis!” Those that have little sisters or brothers know what I mean. Hey it wasn’t my dream, yet my dad made us both come up with an idea to make this Ellen thing a reality. I’m just saying. Well I guess it was our idea to start “swing trading”, but I had never heard of it until my dad suggested it. Over time he relaxed a little and I took things more serious. As our portfolio grows I’m starting to see the magic.
Since we started trading we have gone to a lot of cool cities for training and speaking opportunities. We also started a YouTube channel, designed a lit logo and merch. My hope is to make lots of money trading and teach a lot of people how to do the same. It would be cool to someday be on the Ellen show even though it wasn’t my dream. Come Follow Us!